2.Coordinate Systems and Transformations
3.Earth's Gravity Field
4.Theory of Heights
5.Geoid-to-Quasigeoid Correction
5.1 Relation between geoid and quasigeoid
5.2 Computation in spatial domain
5.2.1 Topographic component5.2.2 Atmospheric component
5.2.3 Non-topographic component
5.3 Computation in spectral domain
5.3.1 Topographic potential difference ( of reference density)
5.3.2 Topographic potential difference (of anomalous density)
5.3.3 No-topography disturbing potential difference
5.4 Discussion
6.Vertical Datum Unification in New Zealand
6.1 Geodetic vertical datum in New Zealand--historical background
6.2 Unification of vertical datum
6.2.1 LVD offsets
6.2.2 Levelling network adjustment
6.2.3 Height conversion
6.2.4 Analysis of systematic trends
6.3 Discussion
7.Topographic Effect on Gravity and Geoid
7.1 Geological setup of New Zealand
7.2 Rock density model of New Zealand
7.3 Gravitational effect of topographic density variations