抗战期间,有很多外国读者活跃在中国,伊斯雷 尔·爱泼斯坦就是其中杰出的一位。《历史不应忘记( 爱泼斯坦的抗战记忆)(英文版)》以他自己独特的视角 ,从战火纷飞的战场、从敌后、从大后方,记录下中 国在抗日战争中方方面面的情况。这些记录和回忆帮 助人们了解中国在国际反法西斯战争中的重要作用。
Chapter 1Gunshots atthe Marco Polo BridgeChapter 2Arise, All Who Will Not Be Slaves!Chapter 3Retreat from NanjingChapter 4The United Front in WuhanChapter 5Victory at TaierzhuangChapter 6The Fall of GuangzhouChapter 7Soong Ching Ling in the Anti-Japanese WarChapter 8Peoples Resistance in North ChinaChapter 9The New Fourth Army Fought Behind the Enemy LinesChapter 10From Chongqing to YahanChapter 11A Visit to YahanChapter 12A Trip Behind the Enemy LinesChapter 13Stories from Behind the Enemy LinesChapter 14Communist Leaders of Struggles in the Rear of the EnemyChapter 15Universal ResistanceChapter 16The Last Phase of the Anti-Japanese War